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Lacquer Curing U.V. Ovens

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In our efforts to provide latest technologies to Vacuum Metallising Industry, we have developed and introduced, U.V. Lacquer Curing System to do Base-Coat and Top Coat on articles to be Vacuum Metallised, made of glass, plastic, ceramic or metal.

We have developed two types of U.V.  Curing Systems. First, in which you can tie your articles on frames and these frames can be cured in the oven. Another, in which you can tie your articles on spool and whole spool can be cured in one-go which will take only about 5 seconds. Also, you can always put your bigger or odd shape articles directly on the oven belt for the curing in our both models of ovens.

U.V. Lacquer instantaneous changes its state from liquid (wet) to solid (dry), as U.V. lacquer coated material is passed through a U.V. curing system.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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